HSN Happenings

HSN Celebrates Diversity

Dozens of team members joined together recently for a morning to celebrate diversity and inclusion as HSN proudly sponsored St. Petersburg’s Inaugural ‘Come OUT St. Pete Parade’.  Not only did team members come out to support the event but they also helped conclude the parade as Pinky, HSN’s infamous Flamingo Golf Cart, unfurled a custom 385 foot long rainbow flag, the size of one city block in length, through the Grand Central District of St. Petersburg, FL.

HSN is passionate about helping organizations that improve our community.  The mission of Come Out St. Pete is to inspire the LGBTQ+ community to live genuinely, raise awareness of LGBTQ+ issues and encourage public support from the LGBTQ+ allies.  Equality is at the forefront of all COSP initiatives and events.

“The event was a great opportunity for team members to come together to not only support our local community in a fun way, but to help celebrate the diversity and uniqueness that makes our hometown of St. Pete so great,”  said Lisa McCormick, HSN’s Culture and Engagement Partner.

Check out the gallery for more on the Come OUT St. Pete Parade.


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