HSN Happenings

Slime For A Cause - How HSN Brings Philanthropy & New Brands Together


Karina Garcia’s first time recording was in 2015 after taking the advice of her twin sister who said she had the perfect personality to create her own YouTube channel.  Her original plan was to create a craft channel – with slime just being a DIY video as a part of it.  Her first post was a DIY Flubber Soap video and after seeing the overwhelming response from viewers, she began creating more slime videos.

Three years later,  Karina Garcia now has more than 7 million subscribers on YouTube and is known worldwide as the ‘Slime Queen.’

“I guess you could say I’m slime crazy,” said Karina Garcia. ” I’m pretty much 90% slime.”

While at HSN with the launch of her line of products, Craft City, Karina took time to visit HSN Cares partner, Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, for a special slime event with a group of patients. The group spent time learning how to make slime and working hands on with Karina to make their very own creations.


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